Why Are You Here

“Self-mastery is the only true power you will ever gain in this life. HE WHO DIES WITH THE MOST TOYS Still dies. NO FEAR.“

Those That Play God

“Do not worry about those who urge you to seek god. Do not worry about those who question god. Worry about those that play god. For there will be fire in the house. There will be three against two, and two against three. Father against son, and son against father. And they will stand alone.…

How Much Are You Willing to Unlearn?

“The iceberg is melting rapidly. So very sorry.”   Recently, I had an unforeseen hiatus for many weeks. I didn’t anticipate it, but thankfully it was useful. I learned several things, and also unlearned a few more things. What is the saying? — Nothing is wasted. Initially I wrote several paragraphs explaining the reasoning for…

The Enemy Maker

TO CREATE AN ENEMY Start with an empty canvas Sketch in broad outline the forms of men, women, and children. Dip into the unconscious well of your own disowned darkness with a wide brush and stain the strangers with the sinister hue of the shadow. Trace onto the face of the enemy the greed, hatred,…

Truth Is A Sword—The Real Self

Truth is a sword. Two-edged, no doubt. Daunting. Sovereign. This symbol, like countless others, has been twisted and grossly distorted. It is feared. A sword can indeed be used to steal from others—life, limb, well-being, peace. But a surgeon’s scalpel can also heal, clear away infection or tissue which has died. It can remove poisons…

Nobody Likes Change – Willful Blindness

“Nobody likes change because the status quo feels safer, it’s familiar, we’re used to it. Change feels like redirecting the riverbed: effortful and risky. It’s so much easier to imagine that what we don’t know won’t hurt us.” —Margaret Heffernan, Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril (2011), p. 91

Dare To Notice What’s Staring At You

Have you noticed the face of Empire looming over you? It’s there. With its hot breath and sharpened teeth and its cold, threatening eyes. You have undoubtedly felt it, like a bewildering cloud of chaos all around you that you can’t quite pinpoint. But have you noticed it, with your powers of rational attention and…