Welcome to Kindling Fire.
Here I share observations, experiences, and discoveries I’ve made so far on this excursion we call Life. These will change, even as I do. If I stop deepening, and broadening, and questioning and applying—I’m dead. Even if my body is still physically shambling around.
There are a couple of things that are unlikely to change, though. Like my conviction that living from reflex and impulse, with little or no honest reflection, is not anyone’s path to knowledge, never mind happiness or peace. And coupled with that: if we do not know ourselves—when it’s hard, not just when it is easy—then we really, frankly, don’t know much of anything at all. Those are pieces of knowing I’ve earned with sweat, blood, tears and experience. Maybe, just maybe, parts of my journey can inspire or spark someone else in theirs.
I welcome feedback and comments on any of the topics here at Kindling Fire. Dissenting opinion and even vibrant debate are important and thought-provoking, and I hope to hear from you. My only requirements are that comments focus on topics, not people, and that a general respectful conduct prevails in all discussions.
Kindle what has always been within. The inner fire is yours.